Bias mitigation of multimodal datasets
Translation in progress.
Cognition and cognification
Translation in progress.
Datalization and artificial intelligence
Translation in progress.
The ethics in the development of Artificial Intelligence
Translation in progress.
Why is your company still not using Artificial Intelligence?
Beyond futurism, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have the power to transform data into certainties so that businesses thrive in an increasingly digital and competitive market. You probably have a lot of doubts on all that is said about artificial intelligence technologies, what they are for, ...
Brazil's elections 2022: the 2nd round on social networks
Translation in progress.
Digital manifestations analysis of Brazil's presidential candidates
Translation in progress.
Daoura and political projections
Translation in progress.
Bulletin Plebiscite 2022 #3: Television campaign reinforces digital leadership of approval
Translation in progress.
Bulletin Plebiscite 2022 #2: Interactions in favor of the new constitution grew on social networks
Translation in progress.
Bulletin Plebiscite 2022 #1: Chile undecided between Approve or Reject
Translation in progress.
Plebiscite 2022 in Chile: On social media, approval of the new constitution overcomes rejection
Translation in progress.
Boric versus Kast, according to digital manifestations
Translation in progress.
Daoura thermometer: Gabriel Boric remains leader in digital popularity
Translation in progress.
Perception of inflation in Brazil
Translation in progress.
Daoura launches report on the perception of urban mobility in Brazil
Translation in progress.
Potentialize voices to transform decisions
With Daoura, organizations, private or public, potentialize social and urban voices of the digital world and transform their decisions. Society, in any corner of the world, is made up of people. Each one, throughout their life and social interactions, acts in different and complementary ways ...
Insights for a participatory election: examples of Temuco, Maipú and Providencia in Chile
Translation in progress.
Social Networks and political campaigns
Translation in progress.
Daoura 2020 Retrospective: Chile
Translation in progress.
Daoura 2020 Retrospective: Brazil
Translation in progress.
2020 elections in São Paulo: voices in the digital world
É comum a realização periódica de pesquisas em época de eleições, especialmente em cidades de médio e grande porte. Geralmente, as pesquisas abordam uma certa quantidade de eleitores de maneira aleatória, nas diversas regiões do país, e pergunta diretamente ao entrevistado em quem ele votará. ...
How Daoura predicted the results of the plebiscite in Chile
Just over a year ago, when the first social events took place in Chile and led the country to vote last Sunday, 25/10/2020, for a new constitution, Daoura platform began to monitor public manifestations on the Internet on the subject. There were many insights extracted ...
Daoura Citizens: the evolution of citizen participation on the Internet
We know that it is not at all easy to make your voice heard when there are many voices echoing, specially in the digital world. There are millions of manifestations on urban and social issues published in all corners of the Internet, prioritized and filtered ...
4 ways of using Artificial Intelligence to understand people in cities
We are living a boom in people’s posts on social media and social interaction channels on the Internet, now fueled by the global health crisis that made millions of people around the world stay at home. If they already used the internet to manifest on ...
Daoura Summary: cyclone, José Serra, masks, censorship, PL2630Nao and coronavirus
From today on, the Daoura Blog will publish a weekly summary, bringing the most relevant and significant topics found in the manifestations of Brazilians on the Internet and also in news published in the country, along with social media indicators for each topic on social ...
Negativity about Brazil in social networks abroad rises 82% during the pandemic
Since the first case of coronavirus in Brazil, on February 26, the Sentiment Index of texts linked to Brazil published on social media and news from Hispanic countries suffered a drop of 51%, and the ratio of "negative" texts during the pandemic period leaped to ...
In Brazil, social media debate on quarantine fall 21% amid peak of deaths by COVID-19
The rise in the number of deaths from COVID-19 in Brazil was last week’s main news, even with the record of daily deaths registered on 06/06/2020 (1.473 in 24 hours). That rise, in the meantime, didn’t stop states and municipalities from increasing the flexibility of ...
Hi, my name is Daoura
Today, we want to share with you a very important piece of news for our history: our name has changed. In 2016, when it all started, we had the purpose, yet as a movement, of building an innovation ecosystem in Brazil focused on the development ...
Ignore or act: Artificial Intelligence in times of coronavirus
If we knew in advance that a crisis of this magnitude would come, and what impacts would bring, would we act in the same way?
2020 Chilean National Plebiscite Report #2: The impact of COVID-19 on social manifestations
Since the beginning of March, the number of manifestations on Chile’s social networks about the coronavirus increased more significantly than the ones regarding the national plebiscite. Words and expressions such as "perfect excuse", "mass protests" and "postponement" were identified as relevant among the texts that ...
COVID-19: Awareness about prevention measures grows
Daoura Insights has reported continued increases in social media manifestations about coronavirus. It is a natural and expected movement, as cases increase in South America and lead to more social debates on the subject. With the worsening of the crisis in Chile and neighboring countries ...
Chile 2020 Plebiscite Report #1: The debate grows on social networks
As the National Plebiscite 2020 approaches, which will be held in Chile the upcoming April 26th, the debate on the topic between the people who approve and the ones who reject the new constitution is more present on social media in the country. The data ...
“Violence” topic preoccupies chileans once again on the Internet
Daoura Insights platform observed a relevant raise in the frequency of the word “violence” in Chilean’s manifestations during the last 5 days, as observed in October/2019, over the course of the social outbreak. It could also be observed, based on the analysis of social issues ...
Brazil Retrospective 2019
2019 brought significant political, social and economic changes to Brazil. The Brazilians talked - in the digital world - about politics, politicians and the environment throughout the year, as well as debate topics already known in the country, such as “corruption” and “security”. The retrospective ...
Chile Retrospective 2019
2019 was an intense year for Chile, especially during the last months, with the start of social protests, both in the physical and digital world. In the retrospective of Chilean’s digital manifestations during 2019, which Daoura presents in this post, this year’s main topics in ...
National holidays in Chile - Urban insights
The national holidays in Chile are a moment of great positivity and celebration for Chilean people, but not everything is a reason to celebrate.
Daoura Insights - The transformation for a smart city
Smart cities, GovTechs, Artificial Intelligence, Participatory Management and Big Data are some of the big topics discussed by public managers around the world. These are generally attractive subjects because they carry with them potential evolutions of urban society never thought before. In a context in ...
Welfare Reform
Debate on Welfare Reform on the Internet: emotion prevails over reason It is not a novelty that Brazil for long has needed important structural reforms, including Social Welfare, nor is it a novelty that the latter is one of the main - if not the ...
Daoura 2018 Retrospective
2018 was a year of great events and changes for Brazil. The national news showed us the topics that were most debated and talked about throughout the year in the most diverse parts of the country. But what were the issues most talked about by ...
Why do we exist?
We could call this text the Daoura Manifesto or the Manifesto for Cities. It doesn’t cease being a manifesto, since, in the end, we are directly manifesting our reason for existing and being the way we are. Meanwhile, we decided to get straight to the ...
Daoura Journey: The Cognitive City
We built the house and we are already living in it. Now we have to face the common issues of a property, such as hydraulic and electrical problems, payment of service bills provided by third parties, among others. In the end, we want to keep ...
Jornada Daoura: A Cidade Inteligente
Terreno preparado, agora é hora de construir a casa e conectar todos os sistemas que viabilizam a moradia. Uma casa é composta por sistemas que, quando integrados, permitem um local funcional e agradável para se viver. A cidade é como nossa casa: não dá para ...
Jornada Daoura: A Cidade Digital
Imagine que você adquiriu um terreno e planeja construir a casa dos seus sonhos. Esse terreno, neste momento, está totalmente despreparado para o início da construção. É necessário fazer intervenções, como limpar a vegetação, retirar materiais indesejados, analisar o solo e movimentar a terra para ...
Cidades Inteligentes: a jornada do discurso à prática
A palavra já se tornou buzzword, hype, termo da moda, ou coisa do tipo. Cidades Inteligentes (ou Smart Cities) é um termo cada vez mais ouvido e visto nas apresentações de consultorias, no discurso de políticos, em artigos (como este próprio), e em nome de ...
5 destaques do 4º Fórum Mundial de Internet das Coisas e Smart Cities
Entre os dias 05 e 08 de Fevereiro, a Daoura esteve presente no 4º Fórum Mundial de Internet das Coisas e Cidades Inteligentes da IEEE, em Singapura. Além de darmos uma palestra sobre o uso de tecnologias emergentes para a gestão de desastres em cidades, ...
Cidades Inteligentes: luxo ou necessidade?
Muito tem se falado sobre o tema cidades inteligentes, tanto no Brasil como no mundo. Mas, lendo os artigos, notícias e documentos relacionados ao tema, percebo que ainda estamos tratando as tecnologias urbanas como artigo de luxo, ao invés de tratar como solução real para ...
A culpa não é da Inteligência Artificial
Apesar de não muito novo, o assunto Inteligência Artificial tem ganhado destaque nos últimos anos, tanto positivo quanto negativo. Como exemplo, há uma ideia de que, à medida que a máquina aprenda a “pensar” como humanos, ela pode, num futuro próximo, tomar o lugar dos ...
Govtechs: a hora e vez da disrupção no Governo
É clara a distância do Governo e da sociedade civil hoje no Brasil. Por razões históricas, uma série de acontecimentos ao longo dos últimos anos, principalmente os casos de corrupção que corroeram (e ainda corroem) a gestão pública, aliados à falta de comunicação direta e ...
Criando Cidades Cognitivas com Inteligência Artificial
Você já se imaginou morar em uma cidade onde tudo parece ser mágico, onde os serviços públicos têm uma ótima qualidade, onde você sabe o melhor momento para ir ao seu escritório ou escola, evitando o trânsito, e onde a própria cidade fala com você ...