Tag: Crisis management
Perception of inflation in Brazil
Translation in progress.
Negativity about Brazil in social networks abroad rises 82% during the pandemic
Since the first case of coronavirus in Brazil, on February 26, the Sentiment Index of texts linked to Brazil published on social media and news from Hispanic countries suffered a drop of 51%, and the ratio of "negative" texts during the pandemic period leaped to ...
In Brazil, social media debate on quarantine fall 21% amid peak of deaths by COVID-19
The rise in the number of deaths from COVID-19 in Brazil was last week’s main news, even with the record of daily deaths registered on 06/06/2020 (1.473 in 24 hours). That rise, in the meantime, didn’t stop states and municipalities from increasing the flexibility of ...
Ignore or act: Artificial Intelligence in times of coronavirus
If we knew in advance that a crisis of this magnitude would come, and what impacts would bring, would we act in the same way?
2020 Chilean National Plebiscite Report #2: The impact of COVID-19 on social manifestations
Since the beginning of March, the number of manifestations on Chile’s social networks about the coronavirus increased more significantly than the ones regarding the national plebiscite. Words and expressions such as "perfect excuse", "mass protests" and "postponement" were identified as relevant among the texts that ...
COVID-19: Awareness about prevention measures grows
Daoura Insights has reported continued increases in social media manifestations about coronavirus. It is a natural and expected movement, as cases increase in South America and lead to more social debates on the subject. With the worsening of the crisis in Chile and neighboring countries ...
Chile 2020 Plebiscite Report #1: The debate grows on social networks
As the National Plebiscite 2020 approaches, which will be held in Chile the upcoming April 26th, the debate on the topic between the people who approve and the ones who reject the new constitution is more present on social media in the country. The data ...
5 destaques do 4º Fórum Mundial de Internet das Coisas e Smart Cities
Entre os dias 05 e 08 de Fevereiro, a Daoura esteve presente no 4º Fórum Mundial de Internet das Coisas e Cidades Inteligentes da IEEE, em Singapura. Além de darmos uma palestra sobre o uso de tecnologias emergentes para a gestão de desastres em cidades, ...