Tag: Smart nation
How Daoura predicted the results of the plebiscite in Chile
Just over a year ago, when the first social events took place in Chile and led the country to vote last Sunday, 25/10/2020, for a new constitution, Daoura platform began to monitor public manifestations on the Internet on the subject. There were many insights extracted ...
National holidays in Chile - Urban insights
The national holidays in Chile are a moment of great positivity and celebration for Chilean people, but not everything is a reason to celebrate.
Welfare Reform
Debate on Welfare Reform on the Internet: emotion prevails over reason It is not a novelty that Brazil for long has needed important structural reforms, including Social Welfare, nor is it a novelty that the latter is one of the main - if not the ...
5 destaques do 4º Fórum Mundial de Internet das Coisas e Smart Cities
Entre os dias 05 e 08 de Fevereiro, a Daoura esteve presente no 4º Fórum Mundial de Internet das Coisas e Cidades Inteligentes da IEEE, em Singapura. Além de darmos uma palestra sobre o uso de tecnologias emergentes para a gestão de desastres em cidades, ...